The Hero’s Journey


What if you looked at your healing process as an Adventure?

You’ve landed on my page because you probably felt an internal nudge, albeit from your higher self, or the part of you that is fed up and ready for some positive change in your life. Heck, maybe even someone in your life has told you it’s time to get your s**t together, and that’s perfectly OK too.

Let’s call that internal (or external) nudge your Call - your Call To Adventure out of the ordinary world (your comfort zone), into the Extraordinary World of Personal Sovereignty, Evolution, Choice, and Happiness. In this adventure YOU will become your own personal Hero. At first this new world feels very unknown, but I always like to say that the unknown is a space of infinite possibility. It’s all about perspective.

Abraham Maslow points out that we are confronted with an ongoing series of choices throughout life between safety and growth, dependence and independence, regression and progression, immaturity and maturity.

Maslow writes in Toward a Psychology of Being:

We grow forward when the anxieties of safety are greater than the anxieties of growth.
— Maslow

If you are ready to embrace the delights of your evolution, cross the threshold between worlds and say YES to your Call to Adventure, you have come to the perfect spot.

At this point in The Hero’s Journey, the Hero will meet their Magical Mentor (think Yoda, Gandalf, or Morpheus). This is a crucial turning point in your Adventure and exactly where I come in!

I am here as your magical mentor, to help you gain confidence, discover insight, reclaim your power and help you realize that you were your own Hero all along.

The Living Lucidly Methodology


We begin by tapping into your heart’s truest desires and envisioning your desired future along with determining your values. Think of values like the unconscious blueprint from which you operate from — your inner compass. Once your vision is created we will then start intentionally weaving the tapestry of your life according to this vision.


From there I will support you to begin making decisions in alignment with your vision and values. You will start intentionally making decisions in alignment with your heart. As the wise Rumi says, “On this path let the heart be your guide.”


Now we will shift focus to your current perspective. While we are in between the old you and the new you, we will work through your current perspective, current thought systems, beliefs, and internal stories. We will pin point any fears or limiting beliefs that are acting as obstacles in the way of the your vision. Together we will uncover all unconscious signals you are emitting that are manipulating your vision or desired future. 


Imagine yourself in the playground of your mind, the playground of your own operating system. In this place together, we will dismantle the structures you’ve built that are not serving your happiness, and redesign your system of thought to serve your best interests. The castle of your Kingdom or Queendom must be built on a solid foundation, not a shaky one.


You don’t have to do this alone! At this point we will brainstorm and determine your Team of Light or your own personal Board of Directors to support you on your journey. I am the 2nd member of the board, you being the first as you are the CEO of your life. Together we will create a team to help support you along your way. 


Now it’s time to engrave your new belief system so you begin operating from this place automatically. I’ll help you understand that it’s not about the position, but rather about the direction. It’s about progress, not perfection. I’ll teach you how to practice self-compassion, how to trust the process, how to move out of a resistant state of being into a state of flow, commitment, and self-love.

Join me as your guide in a series of progressive coaching sessions to help take you from your current mind space to your dream future, whether this be shifting your reality on the emotional, spiritual, or physical level.


Curious to understand the difference between coaching and psychotherapy? Determine which avenue is best for you, here, on my blog Wonderland.